Sunday, December 30, 2012

Adventures of Marble Balls

Where has the time gone? It's been such a long time since I wrote last, I think it was around August or July. I guess I just forgot about the blog. Things in my life have been somewhat hectic and I guess I failed on my blogging duties.

I will write more in depth posts about the fun things that have happened in the past few months but for now here's a little recap!

Allie is mobile! She crawls, she crawls so fast it's hard to keep up with her. She can pull herself to standing and cruises on the furniture. She will be 9 months old on January 17th. I can't believe how fast time has flown by. We had an awesome Christmas and although we planned on being at our own home in North Carolina, we decided (at the last minute) to stay in Ohio. It was a lovely time and Allie is such a spoiled little baby! She got so many new toys and clothes and books! She received so much stuff that Matt ended up taking a car load down to NC and we are staying at my moms house until the 18th.

We are just hanging out and enjoying time with my family. Allie is not exactly used to all of the commotion. I mean, she's used to our quiet little house with just me, Brite, Sabby cat and we would see Matt only a few hours out of the day. The only time it would get loud is if I had the tv on and Briton started to bark. She's not used to 3 other people and 4 dogs, plus many other loud noises. It's messed up her sleeping schedule. Hopefully she can get back into her groove soon. Mommy is very tired!

Although I am having a really great time here, I miss my hubby. I am very excited to say that I am starting a new adventure into the cloth diapering world. I am a bit obsessed but I think that's okay! I have even started a second blog for it! Read about my cloth adventure

It's getting super late and I should try to catch up on some sleep but I will leave a few pictures.  

Super cute pjs!

She was a sock monkey for Halloween!
Cutie Patootie!

USMC Ball in Myrtle Beach

Best Christmas present ever

Oh, Santa Baby!!

Our little family's stockings!

Allie's first picture with Santa!